Actually, the dog is a lively, lively fellow, but: The dog refuses the stairs and does not even want a step ...

When the dog refuses the stairs

Actually, the dog is a lively, lively fellow, but: The dog refuses the stairs and does not even want one Conquer level. There are reasons for this and there are possible solutions. The reasons are different: sometimes the steps are too smooth, then the stairs seem too powerful and too big or the dog does not dare because the steps are open at the back and it could slip through. Maybe he has already had a bad experience: This can be a slippage, but also a sticking in the step distance or a slip and stumble on the stairs. It also happens that a dog has not been allowed to climb stairs, but after the move he is likely to, but he does not, because he has learned the opposite.

Attention: Not least, it can also be health There are reasons why a dog does not want to climb stairs. Therefore, always see the veterinarian and clarify whether, for example. on the musculoskeletal system, there is a problem. By the way: puppies and young dogs in growth should not climb stairs, because this damages the musculoskeletal system! Even for adult dogs with a long cross, climbing stairs is grueling to harmful; this is especially true for small, short-legged dogs who have to negotiate stairs.

Make the stairs attractive and safe

But the veterinarian has no health Objection, then it is up to you, Bello make the stairs attractive: carpet tiles with coarse surface eliminate the risk of slippery, stop the paws and visually provide interruptions, so the Trppe does not look so powerful. Closing the back of the steps (for example chipboard or, in the case of straight stairs, a high cabinet behind the stairs) prevents slipping with the risk of falling. The same can be achieved with panels on the front of the steps, which also protect against getting stuck between two levels. If the staircase is more like a steep ladder with narrow or offset steps, this staircase should be taboo for the dog, because it is really too dangerous and would need to be replaced.

A treat trail leads to it Goal

If the staircase has been optimized or was perfect anyway, small tricks will help: Place a treacle to the bottom of the stairs. Place a treat on each step/carpet tile so that the dog can feed on the chunks of food at the top of the finish step by step. Back it goes in the same delicious manner. This exercise also works with toys instead of treats: at each level there is a toy that the dog is allowed to fetch. Here, of course, the staircase is not handled in a continuous corridor, but the dog will get the first toy and carry it to a place of his choice, then toy number two, three, etc. Generally: Even if Bello hesitantly only one paw on the first step is: He will be praised immediately and of course you will enjoy his bravery at every level.

A dog as a brave interpreter

Alternative to The two exercises: Invite a dog, who likes to run upstairs, downstairs and can be a brave interpreter. Dogs like to look up the courage of a conspecific or can be persuaded on dog more likely to staircase adventure, especially if you are upstairs and your dog also like to see what you and the other dog up there do. Generally important: pull, pull, push and force the dog to nothing. He must make his decision voluntarily and work out his medal for bravery - the reward - with his own will. Text: Marion Friedl/Photo: Gerald Förtsch